amfori BSCI audits

We offer amfori BSCI audits conducted in accordance with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct

What is an amfori BSCI Audit?

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) was developed by amfori in 2003, with the goal of improving levels of social compliance in global supply chains. Today, amfori BSCI is one of the key social auditing initiatives. The amfori BSCI auditing protocol is used by businesses all over the world to monitor, assess and improve social conditions in factories and farms in supply chains.

The amfori BSCI audit process is based on the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. This contains 11 fundamental principles that factories are expected to uphold.

The 11 fundamental amfori BSCI principles are:

  1. Workers have the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining

  2. Businesses should not discriminate against any workers

  3. Workers have a right to receive fair renumeration

  4. Workers should only work decent working hours

  5. Occupational health and safety should be ensured

  6. There should be no use of child labor

  7. Special protection should be provided for young workers

  8. There should be no instances of precarious employment

  9. There should be no bonded labor

  10. Businesses should take the necessary measures to protect the environment

  11. Ethical behavior should be observed regarding corruption, extortion, embezzlement and bribery

The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct is informed by the labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other important international regulations. These include the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for multinational enterprises.

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What is the amfori BSCI audit process?

An amfori BSCI audit must be conducted by an approved auditing service provider. This auditor will ensure that a factory is compliant with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct through a thorough onsite assessment.

The process is typically as follows:

  1. Application for an audit. A business must first become a member of amfori BSCI and provide details of their supplier factories and facilities. These facilities must consent to audits being conducted to allow for auditing to begin to take place. Following this, the business can then choose an audit provider.

  2. Preparation for an audit. Factories can complete a self-assessment on the amfori BSCI platform to become familiar with auditing requirements.

  3. Onsite auditing. Audits can either be:

    • Fully announced - the supplier is informed of the audit date

    • Semi-announced - the supplier is informed of a one-month time window during which the audit will take place. This is the most frequently used type of amfori BSCI audit

    • Unannounced

The onsite audit begins with an opening meeting to explain the auditing procedure. The auditor then conducts interviews with workers, reviews documentation (e.g. working procedures, employment contracts, payroll records, records of working hours) and captures photos of factory conditions to assess compliance with the amfori BSCI code of conduct. Findings are documented on the amfori BSCI platform. The audit ends with a closing meeting.

4. Audit results. The factory is given a rating from A (outstanding) to E (unacceptable) that reflects the extent to which the factory complies with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. Results are made available on the amfori BSCI platform.

5. Follow-up auditing. If the auditing score is C, D or E, the facility will have to undertake remedial actions and a follow-up audit will be required to check that these have been implemented. The follow-up audit will focus only on the areas that need improvement. 6. Repeat auditing. Full audits must be undertaken every two years.

Why should businesses perform an amfori BSCI audit?

The benefits of amfori BSCI auditing are that they allow a business to:

  • Show commitment to ethical sourcing

  • Ensure that workers are protected and receive fair working conditions

  • Comply with statutory requirements (e.g. modern slavery legislation)

  • Improve its reputation by meeting the expectations of customers and stakeholders

  • Establish long-term productive relations with suppliers and/or buyers

  • Focus on continuous improvement in the supply chain by monitoring performance and implementing remediations

  • Improve business resilience to industry and market changes

How can QIMA help?

QIMA is an approved amfori BSCI auditing partner. We have a pool of experienced amfori BSCI auditors who can conduct onsite audits and follow-up checks against the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct

The QIMA Benefits

In-depth local knowledge with auditors attuned to the culture, laws and practices of their region.

CSR experts receive regular training on regulations and best practice.

Global coverage across 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.

Continuous improvement approach drives long-term change and empowers suppliers to act.

Online program management book audits, make payments and download detailed reports.

Custom compliance dashboard to assess supplier performance, track progress and visualize your supply network.